It is your own all-in-one dashboard that allows you to manage all integration-related engagements with Netbank in a low-touch/self-service manner.
Using the Partner Dashboard, you will be able to manage your access credentials for Sandbox, UAT, and PROD.
Using the Partner Dashboard, you will be able to monitor all the relevant data regarding your service requests and transactions that pass through Netbank’s digital channels (APIs, File Upload Platform, etc.)
Using the Partner Dashboard, you will be able to open a Corporate Bank Account under your name--either for testing purposes in UAT or for actual usage in Production--which you will use as a Settlement Account for your transactions with us. You will be able to also track your corporate bank account transaction history.
Using the Partner Dashboard, you will gain access to the File Upload Platform which you can use as an alternative channel to access Netbank’s Products and Services.
Using the Partner Dashboard, you will gain access to the UAT and Production Ticketing System where you can raise your testing or Production-level concerns and inquiries.
Using the Partner Dashboard, you will be able to create additional profiles who may access the Partner Dashboard and control their access permissions.